Tuesday, January 14, 2020

So I signed up for school, AGAIN!! I have been trying to go back off and on for years...to finally get my degree for Registered Nurse...I've been a Licensed Practical Nurse for 30+ years. The older I get, the less I worry about all the notebooks, papers, pens, highlighters and etc....just give me the book, or the link, or the website...so I can read, take the test and be done. I'm not wasting my money on all the "tools" and "particulars"...at this point, I've taken these classes so many times, it's really not necessary. I will never use them again, anyway...because once I'm done...I really AM DONE. Every time, I tell myself that I will not wait so long next time...because those pesky science classes expire every 5 years...and guess which ones I am having to take, AGAIN? Ugh!! But I have promised myself that this year is going to be "the year" that I finally get it all done...once and for all.

I suppose taking the classes is not the worst part...it's the cost of the books...books that I will never use again...even though I am taking the same classes again...of course...the books are "newer editions"; which means mine are not appropriate (the ones that I did hang on to). I usually wait until the first week of class to feel out the instructor...so I can see if I can get away with the "older" edition I have...after all, how much different can it be? Right? Well, my Anatomy class doesn't start until March...so I have time to decide whether or not I am going to try to skate by with my current book!! It's only been a few years since I took that class!! My last Microbiology class, however, was like 10 years ago...(according to the school)...so I have no idea where that book is...I believe I gave it to a co-worker who was taking that class...(I wonder if she still has it)!! I think trying to get all the books and supplies is more stressful than the actual class!! "Sheesh"!!

But...this is my year! I will get this done...this year! Stayed tuned!

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